Rainbows Room
With growing confidence, and with their own unique personality really coming through, children at this age are starting to really develop social skills and make lasting friendships.
Our fantastic Sparkles staff are trained and experienced in caring for children from birth to 2 years old. The love and warmth this team give to ensure you and your little one feel as settled and reassured as possible as you first join Happy Little Sunbeams family.
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Lasting Friendships
In the Rainbows Room, we support these skills by focusing on group activities, indoors and outdoors, offering lots of physical and social interaction.
Our Rainbows are fantastic at working together on projects and get great enjoyment from their achievements! As we do throughout nursery, we document these achievements with plenty of photos on the walls, so children can easily see their journey of learning. The children love to see what they have accomplished with their friends at nursery!
Explore & Experiment!
The light and airy room has oodles of space for our little Rainbows to express their freedom, enjoying a vast range of learning situations, exploring, experimenting and discovering whilst having fun indoors and out – the children enjoy free flow with various activities in the room all day and they enjoy their outdoor play.

Life Skills...
The Rainbows are ready to start learning about self-help and life skills – shared mealtimes where the children are encouraged to feed themselves, dressing skills, and lots of toilet training all helps towards children’s independence! The Rainbows regularly join with Pre-School (children aged 3-5 years) in the indoor and outdoor learning environments. Strong bonds and extended learning opportunities are formed by mixing the age groups.
Progress Check ✔️
Your child’s Key Person will carry out your child’s ‘2 Year-Old Progress Check’ when they are between 2 and 3 years old. This is a standard set by Ofsted and presents parents with a short-written summary of their child’s development in the Prime Areas of the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum (Physical Development, Personal, Social and Emotional Development and Communication and Language)

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